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de-clawing cats

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de-clawing cats Empty de-clawing cats

Message par Invité Lun 16 Fév 2009 - 12:33

Patrick a écrit:It can happened to all of us, one day a feral cat at our door needeing our help!!! how can we approach him,
here a few suggestions

How to tame a feral or semi-feral kitten or cat--if it can be tamed.
1. Understand the difference between a feral cat and a semi-feral cat. A feral cat is one that has had little or no contact with people, and that has lived all or most of its life in the wild. A semi-feral cat has had some contact with people, enough that it may approach them for food or even allow itself to be touched.
2. Start early. Trying to tame an adult feral cat is not likely to succeed. Start with a kitten or a semi-feral. The younger the kitten, the more likely you are to succeed. It is usually not necessary to take the kitten from its feral mother or isolate it from other ferals; kittens should stay with their mothers until they are at least nine weeks old. Staying with litter mates will help the kittens learn to play gently. If one kitten bites another too hard, the other will bite back just the right amount. After the kitten is about 2 months old, it will become more difficult to tame.
3. Bring the cat family (mother and kittens) indoors if possible. For best results with feral / semi-feral kittens you should begin with them in a cage / crate; otherwise you may end up with "house ferals" hiding in corners of the room and almost impossible to catch when needing medication.
4. Get them shots and other basic vet care, such as spaying the mom. Many cities have feral cat rescue societies that can help you with the daunting prospect of getting the cats to the vet and dealing with them once they are there. Make sure you tell the vet the cat is feral. Remember there are a lot of parasites and diseases outside and kittens can die from even simple worms, so this vet check up and care is very important. Ringworm can be present on a cat for up to 21 days before the cat shows signs; it is an airborn fungus and can be contagious both to other animals and people alike even before you know it is there, so use good hygiene when working with animals which have been outdoors.
5. Start to accustom them to your being there. Sit near them quietly. Stay in the room when you feed them. Only give them food when a human being is near.
6. Play with the kittens. A toy with some reach is best, so you can play without coming in reach of little sharp claws. Interactive toys are best, as the kitten will begin to associate you with the arrival of the toy. Cat Dancer original is a great interactive toy. Do not make the toy touch the kitten. Instead, make the toy act like a moth, landing on the side of the couch, and then flying to another spot. Or make the toy act like a mouse and run along the base of a couch and disappear.
7. Be patient. Be very, very patient. Wait for the kittens to approach you. If you approach, touch, or pick up the kittens before they are ready, you are likely to be severely bitten and scratched. Even a very young kitten can do a lot of damage. Placing your hand and arm in a pillow case will make your hand seem less threatening. Try petting the kitten with the pillow case material.
8. Continue to be patient. Let the kittens come and sniff and touch, take a bit of food from your hand, or explore a toy. One day, when all is quiet, the boldest kitten is likely to decide that your lap is a good place for a nap. Just stay still--no picking up yet. A little gentle petting may be permitted.
9. When the kitten is near you, try massaging the skin on top of the kitten's shoulders and the back of the kitten's neck. This is thought to release endorphins and make the kitten think that when you are near, she feels happy and relaxed. This is the way mom cats carry their little babies. This is similar to scruffing a cat and it also thought to block pain. This also works with adult cats.
10. Accustom the kitten first to petting, then to being gently held, picked up, and finally to being brushed and having nails trimmed. Go slowly.
11. Let the spayed mom go back to the outdoors when the kittens are old enough--at the location she was originally captured, if that is where a feral can have a good life.

• Speaking in a calming, low and soothing voice as you would a baby is always helpful with any animal. Feral or not. It will speed up the process.
• Sometimes, a particularly shy kitten may continue to avoid you. This kitten may influence the others to remain more feral. The best thing to do when the kitten is old enough is to isolate her for a time, so she must come to humans for companionship. Sometimes the most anxious kitten is also the smartest, and will turn into the best cat.
• Consider de-clawing a feral cat before taking it in. The procedure is very safe and can greatly help protect you from scratches while the cat is being trained. It can also make the taming of the cat smoother as you do not have to discipline the cat for scratching and allows you to focus on other more important aspects of training.
• Try not to look at the cats directly before they are fully comfortable with you. To a cat, eye contact and watching is aggressive and will cause them to be nervous of you and the situation. While you sit with them, read a book or do something else quiet, but don't watch them. If you do look at them, try to keep your eyes toward their hind end and avoid eye contact as much as possible.
• To accustom a cat to being petted, try a back scratcher or a large feather to keep your vulnerable hand safely out of reach. Note: If this frightens the cat (perhaps because she has been hit or poked with a stick), give up immediately.
• To encourage the cat to relax, try lying down on the floor. You will seem much less scary.
• Cats' claws can be very dangerous. Use extreme caution while handling a feral cat.
• Adult semi-ferals can be tamed using the same methods as kittens. But it will proceed much more slowly--over a period of years, and the cat may never become accustomed to being touched or picked up.
• Make an extra effort to tame long-haired cats and kittens; their fur tends to matte when they are released into the wild. Long feline fur is not natural, it is a man-made mutation. The mats shrink when wet and pull tight, tearing the skin and inviting infections and insect infestations. Seeds, nettles and burdock can cause pain and infection.
• Gloves can help protect your hands, but some cats are afraid of gloves, perhaps associating them with the vet. And most gloves can be bitten through. So use with caution.
• When picking up a cat and you are not certain how it will react, hold it down and well away from your face.

• Do not try to touch, tame, or approach an adult feral. Leave trapping to experienced handlers.
• Do not touch or pick up a feral or semi-feral cat or kitten until you are absolutely certain it is ready. Even a very young kitten can hurt you badly.
• Seek medical attention for all bites, and watch scratches carefully.
• Do not declaw a cat that you plan to let outdoors. Claws are a natural defense in the wild, and a way that the animal catches its food.
• Some feral animals can have disease, ticks and fleas, etc. Watch the animals in their normal living area for a few days to see if they have disease BEFORE handling them!
• Before allowing a new cat to come in contact with cats in the household, ALWAYS have it tested for communicable diseases such as Feline Infectious Leukemia (FLV) and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV). There is presently no test for rabies that doesn't require sacrificing the animal - again, try to observe the animal in its normal living area.


dhallepee a écrit:The discussion about de-clawing is now a separate topic. Please return to the 'fral cat' topic if you want to add comments about the taming of feral cats.

Let me notice that this is an article from an US paper signed by wikiHows. This doesn't necessary reflect the opinion of Patrick.

• Consider de-clawing a feral cat before taking it in. The procedure is very safe and can greatly help protect you from scratches while the cat is being trained. It can also make the taming of the cat smoother as you do not have to discipline the cat for scratching and allows you to focus on other more important aspects of training.

I have to add though this is not permetted in Many countries, especially in EU,in fact there are other more gentle and less mutilating ways to deal with this problem

Dernière édition par Patrick le Lun 23 Fév 2009 - 18:23, édité 1 fois


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de-clawing cats Empty Re: de-clawing cats

Message par dhallepee Jeu 19 Fév 2009 - 17:47

thank you for this. This is a good approach of what to do with feral cats.

Patrick a écrit:Consider de-clawing a feral cat before taking it in.

On that point, I don't agree, even if you want to keep the cat at home. This is mutilation.

In France, this is not specifically forbidden, but this can be considered as animal cruelty, which is forbidden.

Just cut the point of the claw, and do it every time it becomes sharp again. For some cats, you will need the help of your vet...
grand champion d'europe
grand champion d'europe

Nombre de messages : 833
Age : 68
Localisation : Mantes la Jolie
Date d'inscription : 17/07/2008

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de-clawing cats Empty Re: de-clawing cats

Message par Invité Jeu 19 Fév 2009 - 18:26

Moi non plus je ne suis pas du tout d'accord :

Tout d'abord le dégriffage est une acte barbare et complètement contre-nature, c'est un acte de cruauté envers l'animal

Je précise aussi qu'à ce jour, considéré comme tel, cet acte est totalement interdit en france tout comme l'otectomie et l'ablation des glandes anales chez le furêt ,l'exerese des dents ...
La France a signé la convention europenne concernant le protection des animaux référence ci dessous consultable sur le net
J.O n° 115 du 18 mai 2004 page 8784, texte n° 14
Décrets, arrêtés, circulaires

Textes généraux

Ministère des affaires étrangères

Décret n° 2004-416 du 11 mai 2004 portant publication de la convention européenne pour la protection des animaux de compagnie, faite à Strasbourg le 13 novembre 1987 et signée par la France le 18 décembre 1996

La présente convention est entrée en vigueur le 1er mai 2004.
seule la coupe de queue reste sujet à caution en france sous la pression des chasseurs qui considèrent que chez les chiens de chasse broussailleurs la queue amène plus de blessures qu'autre chose, d'accord ou pas c'est ainsi.

Quant à apprivoiser un chat sauvage, né dans la rue,chaton bien sûr, de par mon métier j'en ai vu passer et passer dans ma clinique où nous les recueillons dès capture en accord avec l'école du chat locale, ce n'est pas bien difficile, il suffit de patience et d'amour et il reste exceptionnel que les nouveaux propriétaires se plaignent. ( je parle ici de chats en dessous de 4 mois).

Je vous demande par ailleurs de bien vouloir m'excuser pour mon expression en français mais c'est plus facile pour moi


[English translation will be added soon by our english-speaking moderator]


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de-clawing cats Empty Re: de-clawing cats

Message par Invité Jeu 19 Fév 2009 - 18:49

I think there has been a bit of misanderstanding of what was written
and passages were taken out of context,

1st this an american article which was given to all readers in full

2d in my second post I underline this part of the article and add
I have to add though this is not permetted in Many countries, especially in EU,in fact there are other more gentle and less mutilating ways to deal with this problem
in Uk like in FR, to my beleive there is not such law as to forbid the practise simply because it is not acceptable and none of the vets would do it


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de-clawing cats Empty Re: de-clawing cats

Message par Invité Jeu 19 Fév 2009 - 18:51

je vous remercie de ces précisions qui sont les bienvenues


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de-clawing cats Empty Re: de-clawing cats

Message par dhallepee Jeu 19 Fév 2009 - 19:41

Patrick a écrit:1st this an american article which was given to all readers in full

I understand better !
Let me recommand to you for future to specifiy the origin of information when it's not you, it'll prevent any misunderstanding

Thank to Ménéfer : I had not information detailled enough. I share your feeling of 'barbary' but was too diplomat. Sometimes, it's not good.
grand champion d'europe
grand champion d'europe

Nombre de messages : 833
Age : 68
Localisation : Mantes la Jolie
Date d'inscription : 17/07/2008

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de-clawing cats Empty Re: de-clawing cats

Message par Invité Jeu 19 Fév 2009 - 21:22

I understand better !
Let me recommand to you for future to specifiy the origin of information when it's not you, it'll prevent any misunderstanding

wikiHows is the signature written on the buttom of the article !!!!


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de-clawing cats Empty Re: de-clawing cats

Message par Invité Jeu 19 Fév 2009 - 21:27

Je suis d'accord Nathalie.
Le dégriffage est selon moi un mauvais trairement, un acte de cruauté, un sévice envers l'animal.

Par aileurs, j'ai "connu" une dame qui (selon elle), avait fait sectionner les cordes vocales de son chien car il aboyait trop.
Le pauvre était totalement muet...

Ton sentiment, Ménéfer: vérité ou chiqué?


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de-clawing cats Empty Re: de-clawing cats

Message par Arkhalorn Ven 20 Fév 2009 - 1:01

Consider de-clawing a feral cat before taking it in. The procedure is very safe and can greatly help protect you from scratches while the cat is being trained. It can also make the taming of the cat smoother as you do not have to discipline the cat for scratching and allows you to focus on other more important aspects of training.
More than cruel and barbaric, which of course it is, de-clawing a cat seems to me utterly pointless and stupid even though I’m not an expert on the matter (on cats, I mean. As far as idiocy’s concerned, well… I try not to forget that we are all bound to be somebody else’s fool one day no matter how hard we try not to be…). After all, to any cat, feral or tame, scratching mainly is a way of marking its territory and is essential to its balance.

Consider a feral cat taken from its environment and completely lost, with none of its usual points of reference. The one thing that will reassure it and start its acclimatization, apart, of course, from the human’s gentleness, will be the marking of a new territory by the way of scratching (and possibly – but hopefully not – urinating and defecating in all places, a not-too-uncommon behaviour with ferals and definitely a worst-case scenario). How could a de-clawed cat possibly achieve that? I haven’t the faintest idea (except for the worst-case scenario, which isn’t an acceptable alternative at all for quite obvious reasons) but then, again, I’m no expert. What I’m pretty sure of, however, is that the de-clawed cat is almost certainly bound to become totally nuts. Is that the purpose of taming a feral? I hope not.

Regarding the protection part, finally, any human being should hopefully be smart enough to wear the adequate gear or have the right behaviour in order to avoid skin scratches (who said that’s wishful thinking?).

As for people who knowingly recommend this kind of torture (more mental than physical, by the way, even though the physical discomfort can’t be denied) or favour their furniture over their pets, I’d rather not express my opinion here because it would lack even the slightest hint of politeness. So I’ll join my voice to that of Patrick, Didier, Nathalie and Virna in denouncing the absurdity of de-clawing.

Nombre de messages : 322
Age : 60
Localisation : Paname et campagne
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2008

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de-clawing cats Empty Re: de-clawing cats

Message par Invité Ven 20 Fév 2009 - 10:16

he oui, virna, malheureusement l'humain est capable de toutes sortes de choses pour son confort personnel.
J'ai vu de pauvres chiens de chasses (beagles) tous sans cordes vocales hurler à la mort sans son et, je ne fais pas de sentimentalisme ou de sensiblerie, c'était atroce. je ne dirais pas où mais animaux destinés aux expérimentations et sauvés de justesse puis replacés par ... des gens aimants.
Cette opé étant aujourd'hui interdite en france comme dans toute l'Europe (convention europeenne) nous ne verrons plus ce genre de spectacle désolant. Mais les demandes existent encore! Les gens adoptent des chiens et OH stupeur s'aperçoivent que la peluche ... aboit!!!
entre nous j'ai même des demandes pour des piercing(s). Est-ce vraiment raisonnable? (bien sûr je refuse)
Où irons nous? Car tous les jours nous inventons de nouvelles aneries.
Enfin j'en profite pour vous conseiller d'aller sur le site signer les pétitions diverses pour la sauvegarde et l'intérêt de nombreuses espèces (cela peut peut-être faire avancer les choses). Si vous en avez entendu parler où vu les documentaires à la TV profitez en pour lire le compte rendu de l'enquête menée sur le temple des tigre, le fameux, après dénonciation de crauté envers les animaux de nombreux touristes et autres, scandaleux. Je vous laisse en juger.
Je vais un peu bosser pour apporter ma maigre part à leur bien être

PS tant que j'y suis aller aussi sur le site one voice pour la pétition sur le massacre des dauphins, c'est aussi très édifiant de la nature humaine.


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de-clawing cats Empty Re: de-clawing cats

Message par Invité Ven 20 Fév 2009 - 10:37

euh je retire l'accent circonflexe du ou et mets un z à "aller"la vitesse n'est pas toujours l'amie de l'orthographe


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de-clawing cats Empty Re: de-clawing cats

Message par SILMARIL Ven 20 Fév 2009 - 11:22

Nathalie, vous pouvez très facilement corriger vos propres textes lorsqu'après envoi de votre post, vous vous apercevez de quelque chose que vous aimeriez modifier.

Explication :
- à côté de votre post, à droite, vous verrez, en rouge " Citer "et *Editer .
- Vous cliquez sur EDITER. Votre texte est à nouveau disponible comme en "brouillon" pour toutes les corrections ou ajouts souhaités.
- ensuite, vous le tour est joué !


Dernière édition par SILMARIL le Ven 20 Fév 2009 - 23:29, édité 1 fois

Nombre de messages : 968
Age : 82
Localisation : Arches, Vosges
Date d'inscription : 17/07/2008

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de-clawing cats Empty Re: de-clawing cats

Message par Invité Ven 20 Fév 2009 - 13:05

Bonjour Ménéfer,

Il faudrait que l'on se contacte rapidement.

Je vais, normalement et si je leur conviens, intégrer quelques heures par semaine l'association Stéphane Lamart, pour conseiller les gens en tant que juriste... (mauvais traitements, dépôt de plaintes etc...)

Je suis pénaliste, les dispositions du Code Pénal en la matière sont peu nombreuses. Donc, j'aurais besoin du maximum de textes possibles et je pense sincèrement que les vétos sont plus compétents que les avocats en la matière, n'est-ce pas?!... mur
Eh oui, je fais mon mea culpa! Le Code Rural, entre autre, ne fait pas partie de mes domaines de prédilection...pour le moment...
Les animaux oui, alors pourquoi ne pas tenter de joindre l'utile à l'agréable,,,

Merci d'avance


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de-clawing cats Empty Re: de-clawing cats

Message par Invité Ven 20 Fév 2009 - 13:12

Vraiment merci beaucoup silmaril je ne savais pas.
Virna mes coordonnées sont sur mon site tu peux me contacter sans problème, si je ne sais pas j'aurais bien un ami qui saura, bon stage (je pense que ça va être intéressant)


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de-clawing cats Empty Re: de-clawing cats

Message par dhallepee Ven 20 Fév 2009 - 15:07

Ménéfer a écrit:
J'ai vu de pauvres chiens de chasses (beagles) tous sans cordes vocales hurler à la mort sans son

à ma connaissance, l'ablation des cordes vocales chez les chiens est également pratiquée aux Etats-Unis. Dans certaines copropriétés, le règlement l'impose sinon à tous, au moins chez les chiens qui ont eu la maladresse de troubler le voisinage par des aboiements.
grand champion d'europe
grand champion d'europe

Nombre de messages : 833
Age : 68
Localisation : Mantes la Jolie
Date d'inscription : 17/07/2008

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de-clawing cats Empty Re: de-clawing cats

Message par Invité Ven 20 Fév 2009 - 15:12



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